The SAGE Program

The finest quality, heritage grass finished beef, pastured poultry & eggs and non-gmo fed hogs all raised on our farm as part of the SAGE program! Fill your kitchen freezers with locally grown and USDA processed meats from The Children’s Farm! Know your farmer, know your food!!

Order your SAGE Bundles & Eggs HERE!

Did you know that the eggs you purchase from the grocery store can be up to 2 months old by the time they make it to your refrigerator? We have pasture-raised eggs available weekly for $8 that supports our SAGE program. Our eggs are from cage-free chickens who are fed an Illinois-grown, non-gmo corn feed. We have a flock of approximately 80 hens of varying breeds including Ameraucanas, Barred Rock, Wyandottes, and White Leghorns.

From March through November, we sell our eggs at the farm on Saturdays and Sundays during Open Farm Days! We recommend arriving at 10am since supplies are limited. In the event that we have unsold eggs, they will be added to the online store for purchase on Monday.

Questions? Contact Amy DiDominicis.